Fixing Your Pier and Beam Foundation

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Fixing Your Pier and Beam Foundation: Step-by-Step

Alright, so your home’s standing tall on a pier and beam foundation. But hey, if there are issues, we’ve got your back! Let’s break down the process of giving that foundation some TLC.

Checking Things Out

First things first – we have to check out what’s going on. A foundation expert swings by looks around, and spots cracks or wonky bits. This check helps figure out what needs fixing.

Digging In (Sometimes Literally)

Sometimes, we might need to dig around the house a bit to get to the foundation. It’s like creating a window to see what’s happening underneath. Don’t worry; we’ll patch things up afterward!

Lifting Things Up

Ever lifted something to check what’s under it? That’s what we do with the house – gently, of course! Hydraulic jacks give the house a little lift, just enough for us to work our magic below.
Leveling House Foundation
Pier and Beam Foundation

Fixing Beams and Piers

If we spot any beams or piers that aren’t looking too good, we swap them out for new ones. It’s like giving your foundation a fresh set of support beams – solid and sturdy!

Beating Moisture Woes

Moisture is like that sneaky guest you don’t want at your house party. We’ll kick it out by waterproofing and fixing drainage issues. No more unwanted dampness causing trouble!

Adjusting and Leveling

Think of this step as giving the house a little nudge to make sure it’s sitting straight and proper. We use shims or blocks to level things out – it’s all about getting that perfect balance.

Straightening Walls and Floors

Sometimes, the walls and floors need a little realignment too. We’ll make sure everything’s back in place and looking neat and tidy.

Double-Checking Everything

Before we wrap things up, we give it all a thorough once-over. We’re checking if everything’s as solid as it should be. It’s like a final exam – we need that A+ for your foundation!

Tidying Up

We’re all about leaving things better than we found ’em. So, we’ll tidy up the place, clear out any mess, and maybe even spruce things up a bit. Your yard deserves some love too!
Crawl Space Foundation Repair

Fixing Your Pier and Beam Foundation: Step-by-Step

Alright, so your home’s standing tall on a pier and beam foundation. But hey, if there are issues, we’ve got your back! Let’s break down the process of giving that foundation some TLC.